Post Hole Digger

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A post hole digger is a tractor-mounted farm implement, widely used by farmers in the agricultural sector. Resembling a drill bit, this unique farm implement can create optimum size holes on the surface of the soil. The holes created via a post-hole digger can be used for planting saplings or inserting signposts or creating boundaries. Holes are created within close and uniform proximities through post-hole diggers. One of the great advantages of using a post-hole digger for digging holes is that the drilled part is also pulled out. Different sizes of post hole diggers are available at Tractors Zimbabwe, depending upon their circumference, the required size of uniform holes is created.


  • Consistent and uniform holes are created.
  • Verified under the laws of ISO 9001 verification.
  • Of genuine export quality.
  • Multipurpose.
  • Budget-friendly and operator friendly.
  • Can be seen working as mini carne.
  • For fencing, sign post-insertion, and planting saplings are some of the agricultural applications.
  • The drilled parts can be easily pulled out.
  • Can be attached easily to a wide range of compatible farm tractors.
  • Is compatible with all the 50 Hp tractors.
  • The average auger size is 9” & 18”.
  • Other accessories include grader while kits.
  • The average depth size is 90 cm (36”).
  • The average weight measured is 170 Kg.


To cater to farming needs, farmers need modern farm implements and farm tractors. Farmers need to escalate their ratios of sowing and mowing, to practically yield greater quantities of essential yields. Tractors Zimbabwe empowers Zimbabwean farmers by providing high-tech and result-driven farm machinery to their doorsteps. To create poles without creating chaos, qualitative post-hole diggers are exclusively available for sale at Tractors Zimbabwe. Contact our customer service representative and get exclusive assistance on the purchase of farm implements relevant to your farming needs.